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Univercal Noosphere Spiritual - Ecological Constitution – 

New World Outlook Realization







L.S. Gordina - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chairman of the Noosphere Spiritual - Ecological Assembly of the World, Expert of HEC and of the Council on Parliamentary Ethics of State Duma of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Academy of Safety, Defense and Law Problems, State Premium Winner


Revival of Russia and related destinies of the world and mankind, the national safety maintenance, the preservation and growth of the national prosperity and spiritual-mental potential of the Fatherland, are determined, first of all, by formation of the world outlook of XXI century.

Russia has always leaned on the ideological foundation, and underestimation of this reality has already resulted in a destructive crisis, decline of spiritual-moral traditional foundations of life of the people, since the alien purposes and landmarks fill in the consciousness of Russians and a growing generation in the first place.

The deideologization of a society is one of serious miscalculations of the state reforming, that has allowed Zbignew Bzhezinsky – the «architect of a new world order» – to ascertain with satisfaction, that Russia has suffered defeat because it had no concept of being.

Today our country faces a historical objective: to draw two planetary world outlooks (of the West and the East) in a harmonious unity, to realize the priorities of Laws of the Universe within a sociopolitical framework and, thereby, to affect a vector of development of the world civilization.

The new world outlook is a natural stage of human history development: from heathen-vedical, through religion and atheism to COSMO-PHYSICAL one, that incorporates a moral basis of religion and innovative achievements of natural-science knowledge.

The determination of the planet Earth status and its real state associated with a transient period of natural changes (determined by universal, galactic, planetary cycles) rises a problem of preservation and renewal of Earth’s systems as well as people adaptation to changing conditions.

The algorithm of energo-information exchange between the matter and submatter states problems of studying the levels of weak and superweak interactions and developing the systems for their direct and objective recording.

The aforementioned prerequisites make it possible to associate the fundamental laws within the framework of a united concept of universality of energo-information interactions in the nature and society and to develop, on this basis, a new scientific-ideological paradigm.

The ideology of now passed XX century, resulted from materialism, militarism, dogmatism, has exhausted itself, because it came in contradiction with the interests of Earth’s living nature and Cosmos as a whole. «A well-consolidated «scientific materialism», vigilantly keeping up the preservation of its positions, zealously saves the gates of its territory, being guided here by the only objective: the aspiration to keep a myth on a superiority of eternally developing technology. The phantom of technological crisis appeals to a true, radical shift of the paradigm of being». (H.Arguel'es).

Modern investigations and discoveries allow one to see the mechanisms of human being interaction with the environment. According to V.I. Vernadsky, our planet and Cosmos represent a united system, in which life and living matter associate the processes on the Earth with the processes of space origin.

« Shift of consciousness results in the path of evolution. Improvement of life on a planet depends on the shift of consciousness to such an extent, that the main progress becomes an expression of thinking. So, the concern of mankind lies in advancement of a thought» (N.K. Roerich).

The energy space of thinking and consciousness incorporates basic points of synthesis of space evolution of mankind, which are born with the help of thin energies of Highest worlds. Points of synthesis determine the form and quality of thinking and consciousness of earth’s mankind.

Three types of thinking and consciousness are known in the modern science, which have successively changed each other, – the mythological, religious and scientific ones. The mythological type was the earliest one, which constituted a basis for two others.

Carriers of new, scientific thinking have passed through chambers of tortures and fire of inquisitorial fires. Jordano Bruno, Kopernicus, Galileo… It was those people, who uncovered all grandness of the Boundless, who has spoken on celestial mechanics. Distortions of power processes in Space, associated with usurping the rights for a truth in the last instance by the church, have resulted in the situation, where scientists have denied the bond with the Highest world, which is indispensable for science, having left it completely to priests. The rationalism has won a current of thin energies bound with the Highest World.

And only in the turning XX century, when the science has committed a series of greatest discoveries, the process of revising the values and creating a new model of the Universe began. The most gifted and intuitively advanced scientists – V.I. Vernadsky, N.A. Berdyaev, N. Bohr, P.A. Florensky, A.L. Chizhevsky, I.A. Il'in, Teyar de Sharden and others – have contributed in formation of the holistic approach to the phenomena of nature and human society. Within a still small space of scientific inspirations has began the process of forming that point of synthesis, which determined the vector of development and change of a scientific thought quality. V.I. Vernadsky wrote that life as such is «a cosmic expression of such a reality as space-time, matter and energy». Human being ceased to be a biological object only; he has becoming a cosmic  creature bearing in himself all complexity of power of the Universe. Frightening orthodox materialists, K.E.Tsiolkovsky wrote about the spiritualized Cosmos, about intellectual forces in it, about a boundless will of the Universe, about the hierarchy of highly developed essences. He asserted that the matter of the future mankind, having passed through many steps of cosmic evolution, acquires properties of radiant energy. «Will of a man, noted the scientist, as well as of any other creature – either highest or lowest – is only a manifestation of the will of the Universe. The voice of a man, his thoughts, discoveries, concept of truth and error are only a voice of the Universe». Simultaneously with these works A.L. Chizhevsky has drawn curves of cosmic body influence on a man and has caught in their fragile lines the manifestation of some mysterious rhythms. There arose a picture of unity of events, happened in space, with the processes on the Earth. He wrote about the great electromagnetic life of the Universe, pawning first “bricks” in the basement of energy-wise world outlook of XX century. «This life, he asserted, has its own pulse, its own periods and rhythms. This gives rise to the conclusion, that there exists some extraterrestrial force, that influences from outside on the development of events in human communities. The simultaneity of fluctuations of solar and human activities serves as the best indication to this force».

The new information has arrived from various sides, it was born in various strata of the spiritual-cultural field in order to be gathered later at a single energy point of the evolutionary pulse. So, the human thought, feeded by the energy of Cosmos, has formed and prepared a new consciousness of the terrestrial mankind. However, achievements of science were not sufficient for final formation of a full-grade energy pulse. There was also deficiency of scientists, who would have recognized the necessity of a new step of planetary consciousness. The majority of them nave continued working with old traditional methods and thinking within the framework of the orthodox materialism. This materialism has been filled in due time by "scientific" peel and dross of outdated human ideas, which have hammered in all pores of science and deprived it of a possibility of further promotion. The science demands purification, transformation and approaching the spiritual tasks of a man, which include such notions as morals, beauty and spiritual perfection. Without these values, which have still been created by religious consciousness, the science degenerates with turning into the cold monster, whose technological innovations have a tendency to replace a man himself (cloning) with his uniqueness and individuality. But, in spite of this, another process takes place in the depth of the evolutionary energy field, which is powered by a source of thin energies and other states of matter. 

N.K. and E.I. Roerichs, the founders of Alive Ethics, have considered the Universe as a grandiose and boundless system of spiritualized Cosmos that comprises a variety of energy structures including a human being. They have reported the information on the interaction of these structures among themselves and about the influence of this interaction on cosmic evolution, whose energy "corridors" have penetrated the boundless space. (L.V. Shaposhnikova).

Comprehending the place of a man in the cosmic evolution system, the authors of Alive Ethics have asserted that a man bears in himself the power of Cosmos and, therefore, he lives under the same laws as Cosmos does. The interaction of energy structures of the Universe in the process of energy exchange with a man is the major driving force of his cosmic evolution.

The power itself is a primary cause of all processes occurring in Cosmos. The major objective of the evolution itself is spiritualization of matters, growth of its power with subsequent thinning and change of its quality. In this process the direction of synthesis is a principal way in performance of a task. Such categories as the culture – a self-organizing system of spirit, – as the love, beauty, which bear in themselves a thin and high-vibration power, and, finally, man’s psychical energy itself are supports of evolution and determine its quality. The absence of such supports for any reason interrupts the way of cosmic evolution and plunges it into the funnel of involution.

The special attention was given to interaction of terrestrial mankind with the worlds of other states of matter and other dimensions, whose power decisively effects cosmic evolution of mankind and the life on the planetary surface. The doctrine has bravely united scientific knowledge, achievements and inspirations of religious consciousness and its practice, the thought of spiritual Teachers of the East and the West. The mankind of XX century occurred to be a witness of appearance of the new Doctrine. And, this time, the Doctrine, according to the plan of its creators, should realize itself via science, rather than via religion. This is just the planetary and evolutionary value of the Doctrine, directed at shifting the consciousness of mankind. In order that the new scientific thinking became universal, it is necessary to overcome some very important step – to transform the existing science by introducing into the scientific area such categories as morals, spiritualization, scientific comprehension of bond with the Highest worlds and new thin energies.

So, whereas the previous religious Doctrines put forward a cult as a tool for putting the ideas of space into action, the new Doctrine replaces a cult by the ethics based on knowledge of cosmic laws and features of cosmic evolution. It is this aspect, which will create a qualitatively new energy field of its spiritual-cultural activity on a planet.

A great variety of scientific paradigms on world order were offered till presently. Some of them give the scientific definition of spirituality as “Homo sapiens” ability of self-tuning to heightened cosmic vibrations for the account of Good, Light and Love energies. And the mechanism of such a “tuning” is described in these paradigms. So, the scientists of the Associated Geneva Physical Institute have discovered some elementary particles ("bricks") of the Good and Evil. The researchers have elucidated, what is the basis of a link between actions of people and their consequences (the so-called karma). The effectiveness of the law was found to be provided by quite material and already well-known particles – muons. The proportion between Good and evil was found to be dependent on these particles’ quality in this World! The following fact, known in physics, was confirmed: the positive muon can be associated with some other particles; the negative muon does not possess such a property - it can only replace another particle. And it is just the force of Good that "works" as an associating factor, whereas the force of evil “works” as a superseding one. The analysis of the paradigms offered by modern thinkers allows to ascertain that the science has closely approached the critical mass of knowledge about the world order, which is capable to commit revolution in the world outlook.  And this world outlook, determined as cosmo-physical, cosmo-planetary one, will designate a vector of civilization development in the ХХI century.

“If, instead of imaginary innovations and regularities, – said the “Alive Ethics” creators, – the mankind paid attention to the Cosmic laws, it would be possible to establish the balance, which has been more and more violated beginning with the law of birth and up to cosmic completion. The laws authorized are united. The way of evolution passes, like a thread, through all physical and spiritual grades. Therefore, the national and social order can apply all cosmic laws for improving their forms”.

“Two energies, two concentrated forces have activated now on our planet: the East designated in a conventional and generalized sense by Tibet, and the West initiated by the ravine. The East has given our mankind the Spiritual knowledge, the technologies and practice of entrance in an intrinsic world, disengaging a man with the external world, vanity, – that is, the sensation of initial state – the emptiness. But there is no creation at this state, because it does not possess a Spirit of the Creator, which is similar to the state of a baby in mother’s womb.

The West has shown to mankind the planetary Soul. And now, in the interaction of these two energies, two poles – the East and the West – the third energy, balancing one and another, is born. The Spirit is born, which, not being dependent either on the East or on the West, possesses the potential of one and another” (N. Globin). The analysis of a frequency principle of the Universe structuring has revealed that the all-planetary aggregor (the synthesis of thoughts) of the mankind is “grounded” now because of excessive stressful conditions of living at present time. This aggregor has broken the information-energy interaction of the Earth with an environment. The process of growth of intrinsic pulsation of the Earth continues; the "palpitation" of a planet indicates that its critical level can be reached before the years 2002-2003. This implies a massive exit of a series of "etherogravibolides" and accompanying earthquakes. (N.N. Janitsky).

A realistic way of removal and weakening of consequences of a probable global cataclysm is a sharp increase of high-frequency energy in the consciousness of a maximum amount of people by increasing the level of their world outlook, their place, role and significance in the evolution of the Earth. As it was said earlier, the largest discovery of the present ХХI century, made by Swiss physicists, is the muonic mechanism of formation of Good and Evil: the muons, in their opinion, influence the processes in the Universe like lubricant oil. The primary problem each person should solve now it to realize the necessity of smooth transition from the astral polarization (of feelings, desires) to mental one, with subsequent "calming" the mental "fluctuation". The second point is the transition from individual forms of consciousness to group one – this is a collectivity of individual powerful Personalities devoting themselves to structuring the consciousness of mankind.

In the planetary scale, each man who has responded to an appeal, became already a “particle” of this collective consciousness. And, hence, he is ready to apprehend the program of its further progress with the purpose of disengaging from aggregorial consciousness and joining with the United information field, or with the World of Causes.

“The objective of the general process of Solar System evolution, which includes the development of our planet, is the transition to the highest intellectual coordination of all planetary organisms with the central nucleus – the Sun – and, with its help, – with the nucleus of the Galaxy” (H. Arguel'es).

In the book “The Maiya Factor: Extratechnological way” H.Arguel'es, one of V.I. Vernadsky’s doctrine followers, says that during the Great Cycle of Maiyan Calendar (as it was indicated in a communication transmitted to them earlier by the Atlantic civilization) – from 3113 before AD up to 2012 AD – the human history is determined by the galactic beam, through which the Earth and the Sun have passed. The cycles of development of terrestrial civilizations obey the principles of “galactic seasons” (confirmed also by the Russian scientists B.A. Astaf'ev, V.V. Papkov, V.V. Bubnenkov), which were described by the Maiyan people in mathematical and symbolical forms. Each man possesses some native capability of direct – sensual and electromagnetic – communication with the energy-information of this beam, which issues from the “nucleus of the Galaxy”. Because since recent time the astrophysicists have begun to speak about the waves, or beams of density, which penetrate the Galaxy and influence the development of the Universe, Arguel'es’ narration about his discoveries related to the Maiyan Calendar, as well as the synchronization phenomena, correspond to scientific research” (M. Fergyusson).

«Similarly to a telescope, - writes H.Arguel'es in his work, - the resonant channel, determined by galactic life fibers (determine the resonant fluxes, which, similarly to a portable radio set, represent steady communication channels, cosmic lines of life) can be presented as a set of vibrating lenses. At one end of the channel there is a lens of the human being; though, in fact, a man as a cosmic resonator consists of three lenses. One of them corresponds to the vegetative nervous system; the second one represents a brain cortex, and the third lens is the highest mind that associates a person with a planetary body. It is just the third lens, which is situated in the solar plexus area. The correct arrangement of a line of these three lenses focuses the fourth lens, which corresponds to the solar mind – to consciousness of the Sun and Solar System. The fifth lens represents the Sun itself. And, finally, the Sun and the Galaxy center are linked by two more lenses. One of them focuses the galactic information and transmits it from one star system to another, and the other lens, located just near the Galaxy nucleus, transmits the data to the information nucleus of the Galaxy, to the harmonious matrix. Thus, the information, which passes through the “galactic life fibers”, is distributed very accurately and, depending on focussing of each of eight lenses, can particularly allocate various levels, or states, of life and knowledge.»

Describing the world from the positions of a galactic telescope consisting of vibrating lenses, - in contrast to the atomistic science dealing with the world of space and time, huge distances and divisibility, - the Maiyan Factor concentrates at the concordance and unity of the Universe, on a resonant matrix, in which the data transmission is virtually "instantaneous". This mechanism of galactic focussing and information transfer can be called “a principle of harmonious resonance”.

The notion of resonance is used in a multitude of sciences and arts, such as the theory of electricity, the physics of vibrations, the music and healing. The resonance represents a property of reciprocal sounding. “To resound” means "to reflect", and the reflection means reception and departure of a signal, a simultaneous bond between, at least, two objects. Any bond means, in its turn, the interchange of information. From the viewpoint of resonant harmonics, the information represents a carrier of properties of the energy, which passes from one object to another. On the other hand, the resonance as sounding is just the information.

 The essence of information, hence, does not consist in its contents, but in the property of resonance, - that is why of such an importance is the ability to feel, to perceive. Perceptions of a resonance of coming information are produced by the resonant field.

If we try to comprehend something before coming in a resonance with the appropriate sensation, then this field is absent, or, possibly, it has wrong structure. The latter means the distortion of “galactic fibers of life” in the solar plexus area. In other words, we cease to perceive environmental objects and to resound in harmony with them.

When speaking about a resonance, one has usually mentioned the frequencies and tones. The frequency means the rate of vibrations. It is well known that fluctuations, vibrations can be both low- and high-frequency ones, but all of them represent the pulsation of waves. The frequency kept in one cycle of a wave, is referred to as its tone, or tact. In other words, the sense of touch perceives one spectrum of tones, the sense of smell – the tones in the range of "smells"; the "mind" perceives some particular, high-frequency tones.

The harmony, which is possible in any field of perception, represents the concordance, synchronization of two and more tones. The skill of synchronizing the tones and synthesizing various fields of perception relates to art, but it is a science at the same time.

The harmony represents a real science; and those who became proficient in the methods of this doctrine, are Prophets of Harmony, because it is these people, who bear in themselves a principle of harmonious resonance, - not as the “dry” concept, but as a reality. In galactic scales this principle describes the completeness of the Universe as a united field controlled by resonant lenses, or membranes. The correct adjustment of these lenses, the correct signals delivered to membranes, are capable to cause the overtones penetrating to highest and lowest levels of transmission and perception. Similarly to the experiment, in which the sounds of a harp cause vibrations of a surface of water, the symphony of tones and overtones allows to transfer information from some levels, or octaves, to the other levels.

This reasoning can seem to resemble Pythagorean ideas about the “music of spheres” - such a similarity is not accidental. However, there exists some essential difference between Pythagoreans and Maiyans: Maiyans have demonstrated with all persuasiveness, that this philosophical concept can become an actual base of the entire civilization. Certainly, such a civilization, based on a harmonious resonance principle, is completely distinct, in its nature and objectives, from our civilization focused at material wealth accumulation and at furious protection of its territory with the claim for capturing alien territories and “spheres of influence”.

Contrary to the western science, based on studying the matter, the Maiyan science is concentrated at a mind as a fundamental principle of the Universe. The Universe represents a mind, and its various properties can be described by simple relations of integers. What we call the "matter" – is a set of various tones collected in a harmonious frequency spectrum accessible to organs of touch.

A natural continuation of this reasoning is the idea of universality and generality of consciousness. As the Universe is mental, rather than material, in its nature (or, more precisely, as the material thing is a derivative from mental (information) one), - actually, there exists only a united consciousness, intellectual energy, and the field of reality is full of the purpose.

From this point of view, the form of objects is a type of consciousness arising at a certain resonation of frequencies. The merging of resonant frequencies can be defined as synchronization of two and more voice-frequency spectra incorporating in accordance with the current needs of the Universe, pursuing a common objective.

So, at a certain stage of Earth’s evolution, the planet could need an intellectual life, which would help to make the relations of our planet with the Sun and the Galaxy more realizable, in general. The Sun, in its turn, has needed at the same time some planetary body, which would allow to process consciously the galactic information coming both from the Galaxy nucleus, and from the other, more advanced systems.

Let's pay attention to such a scenario. We suppose the Galaxy to represent a grandiose organism possessing such a level of consciousness and organization, which much more surpasses the boundaries of Human imagination. This huge body consists of a set of individual stellar systems and is controlled by the nucleus of the Galaxy. The dense and pulsing heart of the Galaxy is continuously emitting the signals - radio emissions, - while generating the energy-information cycles moving simultaneously in two directions.

This radio emission corresponds to the matrix of resonance - to an extensive galactic field of intellectual energy, whose original binary pulsation constitutes a basis of four general wave functions: data transmission, or information function; radiation, or electromagnetic function; attraction, or gravitational function; perception, or psychic activity function.

«The purpose of continuous emission of intellectual information waves from the Galaxy nucleus and of cosmic “radio station” is the highest coordination of activity of smaller organisms – the stellar systems. By the highest coordination is meant, first of all, the ability of the local mind, that focuses the lenses of "the galactic life fiber” to approach the level of perception of the whole and to proceed to self-adjustment onto a uniform organism. By the local mind is understood the planetary mind – the envelope of consciousness forming a self-cognitive field of a planet in a separate stellar system. As soon as the local system has apprehended and realized the essence of harmony with the Universe, its aims begin to propagate to the other stellar systems, which have not yet achieved the necessary degree of perception of this generality. In such a manner the community of galactic mind evolves». (H. Arguel'es «The Maiya Factor»).

The ignorance of these laws does not relieve mankind from responsibility. Compulsory, violent attempts to force someone to comprehend or to act in some way are absolutely non-reasonable. So, if the purpose of Galaxy’s activity is the highest, intellectual harmony, this process should proceed in such a manner, that the local mind would comprehend the unity independently; let on taught examples, but the comprehension should be achieved by own deductions and conclusions of someone. In other words, the Galactic Code of Honor consists in demonstrating and revealing harmony by all possible means.

The information represents the energy structured in accordance with the features of the addressee it is intended for. The aspects of limitation of volumes and acceptance of the appropriate form do not contradict the fact, that the form of its representation is determined by the quality of transmitted energy. We listen to music - “the sound vibrations propagating in the air space”, - but something inside us responds to a melody, and we feel emotional enthusiasm. Some transformation occurs – the transformation of sounds (one kind of information) into the energy of feelings (to its other form).

Any energy possesses a property of wave transformation. All wave characteristics allow for possibility of their resonant transmission in the form of frequency overtones. A consecutive cycle of frequencies is an octave, and any tone of one octave is capable to cause overtones in remaining octaves.

Recent investigations of the infrastructure of DNA – a genetic code of life – have shown a molecule to possess wave characteristics. DNA is an open system, like an aerial, which receives information from outside and transmits the information on a biologic system to the environment. So, the spectrum of frequencies, emitted by DNA, is great; they sound and radiate light in our organism (P.P. Garyaev). This implies not merely interaction between visible and invisible objects, but their combination in a single, complicated human body; that is, the cells of a living organism use a united system of interrelation. The DNA code is also known to correspond to an integer sequence of six first degrees of the two: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, from which 64 six-digit binary code words, or codons, are formed. The doctrine based on the resonant harmonics principle is capable to translate this mathematical code into wave structures of various frequencies and to transmit this information through the "galactic life fibers” as the means of resonant transformation.

Taking into account the general picture of the Galaxy, the transfer of a genetic code and other forms of information from a more advanced system to less advanced ones should occur within the framework of some certain hierarchy of management. The basic commands  are directed from a galactic nucleus, to stars, and from stars - to cognizing minds, to planetary consciousnesses.

It is important to note that the information, transmitted from one system to another, should pass through the center of a receiving system - through a star, similar to our Sun, which is situated at the “Galactic life fibers” (strings), between the Galaxy nucleus and a planet developing up to the level of conscious mind.

These are some views of leading world scientists on the ideological concept of life. This question is very complicate and should be solved in the "frame" version, where, as any direction is updated, the paradigm itself can also be updated. This should be a dynamical structure varying in accordance with reliable scientific research. It should also be pointed out, that the existing achievements of science allow even now to make steps in forming the principle of unity of energo-information interactions of nature and society and to develop, on this basis, a series of normative and legislative acts, which can become a determining vector of civilization development in the 21th century. The beginning to this process has already been laid by the Russian scientists, who have developed the project of the concept on the Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Constitution. In lawyers’ opinion, virtually every article of the Constitution project can become a basis for developing the international Conventions on the new ideological grounds. In our opinion, this fact can become one of conditions for a «quantum jump» in the consciousness of nations of the world.

Now the mankind is extremely disunited under an influence of dynamics of occurring changes accumulated during the Great cycle of contradictions and environmental problems, which lasts for 11911 years. And so, the people are not capable to undertake anything except the chaotic actions on survival of their countries on the principles of nationalism, separatism, even terrorism and other antihuman actions.

On the other hand, we are well aware of the fact, that now the World movement of people of the Good Will takes place, – the people who intuitively feel approaching of catastrophic events, which are largely determined by rash actions of the powers that be.

The task of the people of Good Will, including the non-governmental organizations, is to develop a strategy of behavior and recommendation for leaders of all countries, which should become a guide to action in the nearest years. Unfortunately, the basic values of world religions are disregarded by some politicians, who are poorly conceive the main principles of organization of Universal processes, – that unity of energo-information interactions, which are just a foundation of the entire apparent world.

Now the necessity arose of establishing a body of the Planetary Coordination in the form of the Noosphere (Spiritual-Ecological) World Assembly (NSEWA) and introducing the branch of secular spiritual power in all countries. The claims of the basic faiths for leadership at establishing such a branch of power are obvious, but poorly substantiated. As the history has shown, the religious leaders frequently promote destabilization of the world situation.

The NSEWA structure should include the people who are well known worldwide: these are scientists – the Nobel (Peace) Prize winners, the workers of art, who understand that the God is one for everybody, – this is the Intellectual Nucleus of the Universe.

From May 26 to May 31, 2002, at V.I. Vernadsky State Geological Museum in Moscow was held the International Conference «Prospects of preservation and development of the United Civilization of the Planet. Culture. Ecology. Cosmos».

This Conference was an answer to appeals of the Charter of the Earth, to Cofy Annan’s monography «Renovation of the United Nations». The developers of the Constitution consider this document as an expansion of basic provisions of the Charter of the Earth concerning the ecology of consciousness, culture of the information management. The constitution determines new and finishes existing international human rights and freedoms regarding spiritual and biological constituents of a Man. An active searching for qualitatively new ways and means for solution of global problems takes place now, whose specificity is determined by aspiration to a complete model of the world. This searching is interfered today by a diversity of kinds of sciences on the nature and society, which apply various models of reality, various concepts, methods of cognition and designing of the future. Hundreds scientific disciplines inevitably form a diverging Integral of Cognition and are not capable to represent a complete evolution of the World, its structures and subsystems. However, the concepts of this group of individual sciences do not treat the Phenomenon of a Man, the Planetary and Universal Intellectual Life in its material and energo-information manifestations.

The project of the Constitution was formed on the basis of the law-in-draft «On ensuring the energo-information well-being of the population», which was approved by scientists from more than thirty regions of the Russian Federation and on which the parliamentary hearings in the State Duma were carried out.

The concept of the Constitution pays attention to the fact that in the General Declaration on Human Rights (1948) the complex of rights and freedoms was completely missed, which reflected vital needs of a man as a biological form. This complex develops the General right for a well-equipped dwelling and, proceeding from this, the Planet Earth is considered as a dwelling of Mankind, which should be well-equipped. This approach is associated, in its concept, not only with preserving the resources of Mankind’s vital activity and natural environment, but also with conflictless forms of Mankind’s vital activity on the Earth and in Space, because both of them represent our common home. The offered legal system develops in the evolutionary manner a system of protection of human rights and freedoms.

The basic aims of the Constitution are:

·        Further development of the existing legislative system, updating of a sphere of rights and freedoms of a Man and Mankind in a respect concerning the provision of favorable conditions for its vital activity and social development (the continuation of civilization).

·        Establishment of new Spiritual-Ecological rules of law based on expanded modern natural science’s ideas on the nature of energy and information interactions aimed at protection of overall (General), constitutional and other rights, as well as the safety of citizens, states and Mankind as a whole.

·        The control of introduction and practical usage of hardly recorded effects capable to cause a considerable and, in some cases, irremediable damage to the nature and society, to provoke dangerous trends in changing the character of life of people and development of a human being as a biological form.

The offered General Noosphere (Spiritual-Ecological) Constitution of Mankind is a peculiar ethical Code, which is maximum conformable to the notion of the «collective conscience of Mankind». Its observance will encourage justice. This is a principal distinction of this document from all ones working now.

The Constitution will enable peoples, parliaments, governments and confessions to join its aims and objectives, to participate in creative development of its substantive provisions. A logical continuation of work over the Constitution can be its association with the Charter of the Earth, which has already been approved in many countries.

The idea of the General Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Constitution project, which was  sounded from the non-governmental organizations of Russia at the Global Civil Forum of the Earth in Johannesburg, is revolutionary, as a matter of fact. At Forum briefings on September 2-4, 2002, the opinion was stated, that... “this is just the objective, for the sake of which it was necessary to gather the Forum of the Earth”. It should also be noted that at this significant assembly the decision of the Moscow International Conference (May, 2002) was approved. This Conference, titled as “Prospects of preservation and development of a united civilization of the Planet. Ecology. Culture. Cosmos.)”, was welcomed from the ISS orbit by the Russian cosmonaut Jury Onufrienko and two American astronauts, Charles Wolth and Daniel Bersh, as follows:

«Cosmonauts, as nobody else, can see from above all greatness and defenselessness of the Earth. For many years of observation of Our Common Home from Space we could see the scales of destruction caused, unfortunately, by human activity. And we, as nobody else, realize, how fragile is the existing equilibrium. We hope very much that particular projects, offered at such a significant Forum, will help to save our Common Home, our favorite Planet».


The proposals approved at the Forum deserve special attention. They include the following proposals:

-   on supporting Russian non-governmental organizations (NGO) in the field of human ecology and noosphere safety;

-   on establishing the transnational body – the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological WORLD ASSEMBLY, whose aim is supporting and distribution of noosphere knowledge;

-  on establishing the international Commission for work over the text of the General Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Constitution of Mankind;

- on establishing the standard global system of noospheric education, which is a means for development of modern educational disciplines (the normative documents – standards on the Global Education System – have already been prepared in Russia; these documents can be transformed into the international standard via ISO).

The same ideas have been supported by thousands citizens on the Planet Earth, who put their signatures under proposals over all route of the "Moscow - Johannesburg" Supermarathon, which took place under the slogan «With Love to Peace and Consent». Now the idea is at the stage of realization by the NSEWA Executive Committee.

According to a new system of scientific views, the process of development of Mankind in the dynamical structure of the world is determined, as its any process, by the value of action – the product of energy by time. All offered programs are directed at decreasing the energy of the process of Mankind self-organization, which means the increase of time of its existence. The  Mankind got a chance to save both itself and the Planet. The Noosphere – the sphere of mind – should manifest itself in understanding, mutual support and use of this chance for preservation of Mankind.

        The author used in this work the materials published in the following editions:

        H. Arguel'es. «The Maiya Factor. Extratechnological way». "Sofia", Kiev, 1998.

        L.V. Shaposhnikova. «Alive ethics and scientific thinking», «Utrennaay Zvezda», no. 2-3,


         L.S. Gordina. «World outlook on Russia of new millenium», «National safety and    geopolitics of Russia», no. 4-5 (21-22), 2001






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