All people of good will, the
organization created by them and all peoples and
nationalities of the planet Earth are participants of
the present Charter, and they proclaim on their own
- The noosphere of the planet is the
common sphere of the consciousness of the Earth and its
population. All people of good will are capable of
changing the course of the planetary history and
promoting the preservation, development and
sustainability of mankind as a united and cosmically
conditioned civilization, to save the life of human
society over the long term;
- The population of the planet Earth
has the sacred duty to keep the civilization, its
property, and favorable living conditions for themselves
and future generations;
and agree with UNESCO that:
- In order to maintain human
advantage, the dissemination of culture and education
among all people is needed, on the basis of justice,
freedom, and peace; therefore such a sacred duty is
entrusted to all people and should be carried out in the
spirit of mutual cooperation;
- A world based only on economic and
political agreements of governments cannot be supported
unanimously, strongly, and sincerely by the people; it
should be based on intellectual and ethical solidarity
of mankind;
- Thoughts about war are aroused in
minds of people, therefore it is necessary to implant
the idea of protecting peace in people’s consciousness;
and being guided by the above-stated
reasons with trust in safe solution of the current
Global Crisis,
Persons, states, and
non-governmental associations who signed the present
Charter are expressing firm reliance on the necessity to
develop and expand connections between peoples and
nationalities for the achievement of total prosperity
and peace, for creating the united and holistic Mankind
of planet Earth, rich in its diversity and variety of
cultures – the civil society – the Civilization, worthy
of happy future.
Thereof, by this Act, they create
the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA),
the aim of which is the gradual achievement of
integration of all the peoples of the planet Earth as
the united civil society of peace and prosperity on the
basis of cooperation of all people of good will, their
organizations, and representative bodies. During the
transition from Biosphere to Noosphere, this Assembly
will be guided by a planetary approach, instead of a
narrow, national one.
1. Basic clauses
The Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly
(further - World Assembly of, in abbreviated form NSEWA)
is the worldwide non-governmental organization of the
people of Good Will, which activity is directed at
achievement of the aims stipulated by the present
1.2. All natural persons and
juridical persons who have the rights of membership in
NSEWA and who had signed the present CHARTER are
considered to be the Founders of the NSEWA.
1.3. The NSEWA is carrying out its
activities according to the Universal Noosphere
Spiritual - Ecological Constitution (further – the
Constitution) and General Declaration of the Rights of
the Man.
1.4. The NSEWA is created without
restriction of terms of activity on the basis of the
Decision of the International Conference “Prospects of
preservation and development of the United Civilization
of the Planet: Ecology, Culture, Cosmos”, also approved
by the Global Civil Forum in Johannesburg, September,
1.5. The full name of the
organization in Russian – “Международный Союз
“Ноосферная Духовно-Экологическая Ассамблея Мира”, in
abbreviated form “НДЭАМ”.
The full name of the organization in English – The
International Union “The Noosphere Spiritual Ecological
World Assembly”, in abbreviated form “NSEWA”.
1.7. The NSEWA has the rights to
create representative offices and affiliated societies
on the territories of the Earth planet and on other
objects with living ability according to the
Constitution and the Charter.
1.8. The activity of the World
Assembly is based on principles of voluntarism,
equality, self-management and legality. Within the
frameworks established by the international legal norms,
the World Assembly is free in defining its internal
structure, forms and methods of its activities.
1.9. The divisions of the NSEWA
(The Board of Administration, the Coordination Board,
the Executive Committee) have the severalty, independent
accounting, accounts in bank establishments in Roubles
and/or foreign currency. The World Assembly has the
Flag, the Anthem, the Insignia, the Logo, the Emblem,
the Letter-head, the Stamps, the Postage Stamp, the
Certificates, the Credentials, the Diplomas and other
essential elements with its name in Russian and/or
English languages.
1.10. The copy of the World
Assembly Charter is presented to all its members.
1.11. Official Address of the
World Assembly: Russian Federation, 123001, Moscow, 5,
Bolshaya Sadovaya street, Hotel “Peking”.
2. Aims and Purposes of the NSEWA
2.1. The NSEWA declare its General
purpose to be preservation and development of the united
civilization, holistic in its diversity – the Mankind of
the Earth planet on unrestrictedly long term of life and
vital functions.
Following rules corresponds to this
General purpose:
Implementation of the
united planetary sovereignty;
Termination of wars and
military confrontations on the Earth;
Establishment of global
and lasting peace;
Preservation and
augmentation of natural resources of the Earth planet
which are forming the resource base of the Mankind’s
vital functions;
Maintenance of
transition from state forms of governing the peoples to
the Worldwide Noosphere form of organizing, governing
and coordinating of vital functions of Mankind;
Introduction and
strengthening of the planetary spiritual - ecological
energy and informational rights, common to all mankind
citizenship on the planet, noosphere understanding of
the General rights, freedom and duties of the Mankind,
the Human being and the Citizen;
Preservation and
augmentation of cultural attitudes and values, all the
cultural diversity of peoples and nationalities;
Dissemination of the
expanded noosphere consciousness and world outlook in
the human society;
Assistance to forming
the noosphere way of life of the Mankind on the basis of
the idea about the unity of energy and informational
interactions in nature and society.
The World Assembly is
created also with the purposes of support and
development of all forms of people’s diplomacy
(conferences, symposiums, meeting etc. between
organizations and citizens of the entire world). The
World Assembly acts for peace and cooperation between
all peoples, it supports socially valuable initiatives
of public and political figures, creative personnel,
scientists, representatives of business circles directed
on development and strengthening spiritual and ethical
unity of people irrespectively of nationality, race,
religion and other distinctions.
2.2. Objectives of the NSEWA:
Realization of
non-governmental, suprastate and out-of-state
legislative initiatives and activities in spiritual -
ecological sphere of vital activities of the Mankind;
Creating legislation
for the noosphere civil society – the Mankind of the
Earth planet;
Assistance to
implementing the Constitution, global codes and laws,
other related legal normative documents;
Development, enactment
and allotment of the noosphere system of legislative
Realization of activity
directed on creating favorable conditions for vital
activities of the Mankind, for preservation, renewal and
fair use of natural resources for vital activities of
the Mankind;
Assistance for
noosphere evolutionary development of human society, for
preservation of life, diversity and vital potential;
Dissemination and
implementation of noosphere ethics into the practice of
common to all the Mankind norms and rules;
Realization of
preparatory work for creating Worldwide bodies for
coordinating vital activities of the Mankind, for
participation in creating and strengthening the United
Human Civilization of the Earth planet;
Implanting the
noosphere world outlook and understanding in all the
population of the planet;
Contribution to
disseminating relations of peace, good neighborliness,
justice, cooperation, brotherhood in all layers of human
society, and also of complete extermination of policy of
wars, confrontation, creation of various weapons and
other means of violence;
Assistance to
settlement of disputable and conflict situations,
putting obstacles to development of aggressive and
martial spirit, terrorism and other manifestation
dangerous to life and health;
Interaction and
cooperation with all people and organizations of the
world for the sake of achieving objectives declared in
the Charter, including U.N.O., UNESCO, W.H.O., I.S.O.;
Assistance to states in
gradual transfer of governing and regulating functions
to World-wide bodies of organization and coordination of
vital activities, and also in creating continental and
regional functional bodies;
Creation of Global
system for noosphere education and upbringing;
Realization of
world-valuable collective measures for making the
paramount decisions on strategy and tactics of
developing the Earth Planet Mankind;
2.3. For realization of the declared
aims and objectives the NSEWA, including its
Coordination Board and the Executive Committee, carries
out the following
functions and activities:
Carrying out
non-governmental and supra-state legislative activity
with the purposes of creating holistic civilization of
the Earth Planetary Mankind;
Development of
normative documents in cooperation withy I.S.O., mainly
related to noosphere and energy-informational phenomena,
production, technologies and methods of maintaining
vital activities;
Participating in work
of noosphere bodies for organization, governing and
coordinating vital activities;
Conducting public and
organizational activities aimed at creating the United
civil society of the planet – The Earth Planetary
Organizing and carrying
out activities of the Global system for noosphere
education, including direct educational and upbringing
Participating in
activities aimed at observance of General rights,
freedom and duties of the Mankind, and also Human and
Promoting voluntary and
peaceful transition from state forms of governing to the
scientific noosphere governing and coordinating of vital
activities with taking into account and preserving
unique features of nations, peoples and nationalities,
stable ethnic and social groups of the plane population;
Promoting of collection
and processing information, methods, techniques and
proposals aimed at accelerated renewal and development
of the society in spiritual and ethical attitudes, in
the field of social justice;
Participating in
development and realization of task programs and
undertakings aimed at perfection human consciousness,
development of his creative abilities, spiritual and
physical enhancement of the population, especially by
paying attention on upbringing and educating children of
school and preschool age;
Carrying out publishing
activity, including participation in editing newspapers,
magazines, radio and television programs;
Creating departments,
affiliated and representative offices of the World
Assembly, including foreign states under their
Establishing insignia:
“Property of the Planet”, “Property of the
Civilization”, “The Person of the World”, Credential
Letters, honorary marks, awards, grants also
establishing logotypes “Noosphere Production” and
“Noosphere Technology” granting them to the World
Assembly members and other individuals and
organizations, whose activity significantly endows to
spiritual and ethical renewal of the society of the
Planet population;
Establishing scientific
and educational institutions;
Counteracting to any
forms of genocide and terrorism;
Propagating cultural
and ethical attitudes and values among the peoples of
the world;
Developing worldwide
multilateral connections and contacts between the
Promoting integration
processes in realization of the noosphere projects in
culture, economy and politics.