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"Ты волен быть самим собой, ты свободен осознать свою истинную сущность и быть ею, здесь и сейчас, и ничто не в силах тебе воспрепятствовать. Таков Закон Великой Чайки! И это- единственный объективный закон."


Liubov Gordina, DR of Philosophy, Professor,
M.Limonad, DR of Philosophy, Professor

Importance of the discussed topic. In the third Millennium the mankind entered a new phase of its existence. The scientific disclosures of the later days allowed to know the basic principles of the Structure of the Universe and to develop a new vision of the world. The new terms entered everyday life such as globalization, biological field, bio-magnetic situation, noosphere, tolerance. The human spirituality acquires a new, universal dimension. The science has moved very near to proof of the existence of the Creative Sense. Existence of the unitary laws of the Universe that formerly were being described in different languages has become obvious. Definite prerequisites for unification of the science, art and religion are being developed. At the same time the threat to the very survival of the Man as biological species has revealed itself as the real one. All that lays a base for establishment of the new rules of the human behavior in the new Millennium.
This work is supposed to look at the Mankind as the Spiritual-Ecological social category possessing internationally recognized legal status and social role.
The Spiritual-Ecological aims of the man's life activity are considered here as attainment of the energy-information well-being of the Mankind. This document developed ideas inserted into the Draft Law "On achievement of the energy-information well-being of the population" prepared for the study by the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
The Legal Status envisages administering into that category a system of the General Rights and Freedoms as well as Duties similar to the General Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen established by the UN and enlarged in the part of the specific aspects of the relationship between the Mankind and the Planet Earth.
The Social Role of the Mankind is supposed to looked at as the consciously arranged activity of the guarantor of sustainability of the natural principles and resources of the human activity and arrangement of the places for the settlement of the separate social groups on the Earth, as well as in the different environments of the Earth and Near Space fit for the human life activity.
The Concept of the Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Charter for the Mankind is a document laying a foundation for the new form of the legislative regulation in the world community in the near future. The Document is drafted upon understanding of the Charter as the Law on the Sustainable (Eternal).
In the Concept offered here the Spiritual-Ecological aspects of the life activity of the man are described in the eternal terms such as energy-information-matter. The terminology and understandings have been developed for the seven years by the scientists, legal advisers, culturologists and international relations experts. The legal document operates in the terms of triple unity of information, energy and mass-matter. Information is a structured energy; the mass-matter is condensed energy. The material bodies are being created of the elementary particles of energy and information. The Universe (the environment) -s nothing but constant process of exchange and mutually penetrating transformations of information, mass-matter and energy.
Thus definition of the spirituality and spirit of man are related to the information component, while definition of the soul is related to the external energy shell and the body is related to the material component of this inseparable triple unity. So the man is a combination of the spiritual and soul-related components (energy-information that are closely combined with the space-related and biological substance). These components are in turn a base for the material component (soma, body) are and social substance of man.
The results of the contemporary research bring to undeniable fact that further development of Civilisation may go on only in agreement with the Nature Laws. The Ethic nature of the laws for the sustainable dynamic structure of the Universe may be considered proven. It is becoming more and more obvious that the culture of the information management (in other word - spirituality) is a sole progressive factor of the development of the mankind.
At the business summit of APEC in Brunei named "Business and Globalisation" on the 15th November 2000 President Putin said: " Mr. Vernadsky, our compatriot developed in the beginning of the 20th century a theory for the NOOSPHERE - the environment that unifies the mankind. It combines interests of the peoples and countries, the nature and society, scientific knowledge and state policy. The principle of sustainable development was actually built on the base of this theory".
The Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Charter for the Mankind as a sort of the ethics code to the utmost extent compatible with the notion "Collective Integrity of the Mankind", i.e. to the living in accordance with the Unitary Laws of the Universe". The principal postulate of the Charter will be not punishment of the guilty, but encouragement of the justice.
We are not the prophets. We are common people preoccupied with the destiny of our own home. The transfer of our consideration to the Planetary and Humanity dimensions is only a long ripe necessity. We just suggest to look at ourselves from apart (out of the Space).
It is high time for the mankind to exclaim: "the Planet is in danger! Save yourselves the ones who can!" Well, it is already yelling by the voices of the most advanced and enlightened people. Those who study development of our civilization are horrified to see how the mankind is cutting off the branch it is sitting on.
As a well-known Russian anecdote tells, those who warn about danger are first being expelled, and then they would be declared mavericks: indeed, from where did they know all that? With a perseverance worth better application the mankind is trying to finish with its own home - their native Planet, mercilessly disposing of its natural resources.
The current Concept defines the following objectives to be achieved in looking for solution of the urgent problems challenging the mankind under the fatally unfavourable terms, conditions and tendencies of the development of the current civilisation:
To develop proposals on the basic principles and provisions of the Charter and on its general structure;
To offer a list of the basic legal acts that need to be developed, added or amended;
The Concept is taking four printed pages;

The contents of the Draft:

1. The state of the problem, spiritual-ecological matters to be regulated by the proposed draft.
2. Justification of necessity to adopt the CHARTER.
3. Aims and objectives of the proposed Charter.
4. Terms and definitions used in the current document.
5. Legal sphere to be regulated by the Charter.
6. Basic principles, postulates and norms, offered by the Draft.
7. Spiritual-ecological, energy-information legislation and relationships, regulated by the Law.
8. Suggested procedure of development and introduction of the Draft.
9. Principles of financing and introduction of the Charter.
10. Suggested structure of the Charter.
11. Expected results and follow-up activities after adoption of the Charter.
12. International legal acts that will need to be introduced in relation to adoption of the Charter.

The draft document suggested in the current Concept combines traditional as well as non-traditional feature. As a matter of fact the Charter is fully traditional legal act. It contains mostly well approved forms of the legal norms and regulations. This ensures evolution in the process of the legislative activity that in turn is very important in the transition period.
It would be na?ve to expect the future society to be structured and managed without such instruments as legislation and Law. Development of such Law is legitimately following Declarations, Charters, Agreements and Treaties. The Charter Concept is just following step in regulating civil social life. The document does not envisage traditional law enforcement but rather conscious abidance by the Law resulting from the lengthy process of education of the social conscience.
Relatively new motion here is suggested transition from Human Rights to the Rights of Humanity. The new qualitative step made in definition of the subject of legislation is transforming this subject's rights into qualitatively new category based on the traditionally approved foundation.
We were not seeking to change the forms of narration. As far as the structure is concerned, we applied norms of writing of the legal bills introduced by the International Standards Organisation (ISO) as we consider legal documents to be a form of standard acts. The basic structural elements of such consideration are as follows:

" The range of the Charter application;
" Legal references to the earlier existing documents the provisions of which have been re-applied un-altered or slightly amended;
" Terms and definitions of the terms applied ad legal (exact and unequivocal definitions allow the legislation to be concrete and pointed);
" The subject matters (subjects and objects of the legal relations);
" Processes regulated by the Law as well as relations emerging on their base;
" Supervision of the application of and abidance by the demands of the introduced legal regulations;

It becomes possible to make the World Law systemic, having one and the same meaning and non-contradictory. The volume of demands should be necessary and exhaustive.
The Concept itself is traditional in its form, which should facilitate its consideration and adoption of relevant decisions.
While in transit to the legal subjects such as the Humanity (Mankind) as a whole, and such objects as the Earth and the Universe, the legal norms, known in common existing legislation should be approached under different angle. Thus the Human Rights have been complemented by the biological aspect, while all legal subjects were added by the energy-information aspects.
Contemporary knowledge demanded acknowledgement as legal ones of the matters that were not comletely studied, but existed ealier as well as nowadays. The state of the matter, however needs application of the preventive approach to the relevant studies. If certain cituation does not emerge, then the law would not be applied, but if emergence of the situation would appear inevitable, we should not find ourselves helpless hostages of our own legal unpreparedness.
In particular the Charter is suuposed to maintain a provision on the sovereignty of the Planet Earth to be spread over the near Space. The boundaries of the sovereign Space are offered conditionally, in relation to the practice of the manned orbital space flights. The approach here is similar to the Law of the Seas, providing that the Space immediately adjacent to Earth is "territorial", while Remote Space would be considered the "neutral" one. Accordingly the man-made objects in Space should be considered ex-territorial creatures where the Law applicable on the Earth should also be applied.
Similarly we approached the Right of Shelter (Living Quarters) having defined it as the human activities environment.
As a matter of fact the Mankind is considered to be unitary organism in most cases where the Law has been applied by analogy, for example when dealing with the Right of Life.
A number of new norms have been introduced deriving from the obvious realities of life, which earlier were approached by the legislation without establishment of basic principal terms and definitions, that in turn frequently gave birth to legal lapses. It is fully attributable to the wedlock and family relations where it is necessary to substantify the definitions, boundaries of their applicability, problems related to acknowledgment of such bridal unions and their legal status.
Most of the ethical and psychological categories earlier declared but not clarified should be substantiated (such as life, life activity, death, consciousness, dignity, reputation, integrity, justice, correctness etc.). Here we need exactness because the Law of Ethics can not depend on random experts' opinion.
New are complex of the legal norms related to spiritual status and mental health, based upon principle of the energy-information well being. The energy-information component as immanent to all the visible word, was introduced into the legal lexicon for the Mankind as well as for the Earth. We can not disclaim statistics of the facts and events, irrelevantly to whether or not they have been scientifically explained, as long as they substantially influence lives of people, whose rights should always be secured and insured by the Law. Deriving from the fact that Noosphere Charter has spiritual-ecological nature, the Concept does not stress importance of problems of politics, economy, property, finance, while the body text of the Charter contains all above categories.
The aspects of measures and measurability are specially stressed by the Document as well as organisational suggestions for the transition period. Principle of unity of the measurements is approached at large in the legal context in view of multiplicity of the measurements systems. But in order to maintain the rule "to measure the similar by similar" we adhere to the statement by Halileo Halilei, who said: "anything measurable should be measured, but what is immeasurable, should become measurable". This is fully applicable to measurement of Time based on the Space (Universal) Cycles of the Planets' Circulation.
The Global Codes and Laws to be introduced following admission of the Charter are necessary to organise the most common legal norms, applied in the legislations of different societies including the states. Adjusted definitions, sphere of their applicability, unitary presentation and understanding of the legal norms - would be one of the means to integrate the existing forms of organising the society into unitary civilisation - the Mankind of Planet Earth.
Organisational forms of management and co-ordination of human life activity, to be established and applied instead of the existing administrative divisions, will bear functional features, relevant to the combined needs and demands of the Mankind in general and of the societies forming its integral parts in particular. It is related to the traditional patterns of settlement of different social groups, to functional and architectural zoning of territories and arrangement of living quarters. Thus architectural aspects of formation of the life activities environment have been approached as energy-information features substantially influencing conditions and quality of human life.
There are no undisputable legal norms. We do not offer this work as the only exisrting cure for the human problems, but we consider our attempt to make our own contribution to improvement of the vector for the development of society a worthwhile and timely one.

The main objectives of the Charter are as follows:
1. To safeguard the Mankind as unitary, Universally Important Civilisation and sustain its life, and life activities for indefinitely long term.
2. To establish legal basics for the life activity of the Mankind and to save the Planet as unitary Universal ecosystem, supporting existence of Humanity and life on Earth indefinitely.
3. To develop existing legal system, to adjust sphere of the rights and freedoms of human and Humanity to insure favourable conditions for the human life activity and its social development (to sustain the civilisation).
4. To establish the legal balance of the Rights and Freedoms on the one hand and Responsibilities and Duties on the other hand in the legal practice under improvement for the future general order on Earth and Universally.
5. To establish new spiritual-ecological legal norms, based upon enlarged contemporary views of the natural science on the nature of interaction between energy and information, aimed at defense of the common (general), constitutional and other rights, security of citizens, of the states and of the Mankind as a whole.
6. To monitor introduction and practical application of the effects that are hard to register, but are capable to jeopardise and in some cases irreparably affect environment and society, to provoke dangerous changes in the character of human life and development of man as biological species on Earth.
These objectives are to be attained by the following means:
- Establishment of the legal basics of the nature defined and non-violent principles of the human life activity, including positive use of energy-information phenomena;
- Establishment of criteria and responsibility for the crimes against human life activity as well as for the illegal use of energy-information effects until full elimination of such crimes;
- Development and realisation of international and national measures for enlargement of capabilities of population to improve its well being in the above mentioned sphere;
- Compensation of the inflicted damage and defence against potential damage to the health of civilians, including their mental health, as well as of the damage to the property, environment and nature;
The tasks of this Draft Law are:
- development of the legal basics on the planetary level in the sphere of spiritual-ecological aspects of the life activity of Man and Mankind;
- development of the legal terms and definitions in application to the subject matters of the legal regulation by the Charter;
- development of basic terms in the spiritual-ecological sphere;
- establishment of basic foundation for development of the global reglamentation,
compatible to the contemporary international standards;
- development of the legal norms of the life activity of the unitary human civilisation based upon understanding of the Universal role and functions of Man, of the Earth and of the Mankind in the Universe in the Space, adjacent to Earth and in different environments of our Planet;
- establishment of principles and legal norms of organisation of the human society in perspective and of management of the social life activity at the Planetary and local levels;
- development of the status of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly, of the structure and powers of its different divisions;
- development of the legal aspects for the period of transition to the integral planetary civilisation: The Third Millennium Earth Mankind;
- establishment and introduction of the basic ethical principles of the Human Life Activity;
- establishment of basic criteria for attribution of different phenomena to the energy-information ones;
- establishment of basic rights and duties of the citizens, of their gatherings as well as of enterprises and organisations involved into production and application of the energy-information technologies and products and also into registration of energy-information phenomena of different origin in the life activity of the Mankind;
- definition of the field of the legal regulation and of the subjects of legal relations in the spiritual-ecological sphere of the life activity;
- definition of criteria of acceptance of usage of the energy-information technologies and appliances, in particular in the sphere of the human life activity;
- establishment of the principles of international relations in the above mentioned field;
- development of the legal basics for the education in the field of the energy-information well being of the Mankind;
- establishment of foundation for the inter-state and state regulation in the field of spiritual-ecological activity;

The sphere of the legal regulation by the drafted document would embrace the subject matter and the field of the legal regulation.

The concept defines the subject matter of the legal regulation as follows:
- the field of application of the Charter and the rights, freedoms and duties regulated by the Charter;
- the terms and definitions to be used in the sphere of the spiritual-ecological, energy-information Law;
- the reglamentations related to the Worldwide Common Law regulation of the human life activity and its environment;
- performance of the life activity on the Earth and in the Near Space;
- generally adopted civilised aspects of the human life activity;
- Inter-civilisation relations in the Universe;
- Planetary and intra-planetary sovereignty;
- Sphere of applicability of the rights, freedoms and duties established by the Charter in relation to the subjects, forming the Mankind, and being an integral part of a Man as biological species.
- Accomplishment of the spiritual-ecological, including energy-information activities by separate individuals, communities, states and by the Mankind as a whole;
- International relations in the sphere of the Humanity life activity including energy-information well being of the population;
- Ecological energy-information rights, freedoms and duties of Man and Mankind as a whole;
- Powers of citizens, their unions, of govermental bodies and local administration in the sphere of the energy-information well being of the population;
- Mechanism of monitoring and supervision, of the norms creating and certification activities in the described sphere;
- Division of powers of the administrative bodies and of the bodies co-ordinating life activity;
- Education in the field of the science of Human studies and of the spiritual-ecological knowledge as well as of the energy-information well-being;
- Protection of the population against unfavourable energy-information conditions of the life activity;
- Compensation (indemnification) of the damage caused by necessity to live and work under unfavourable energy-information conditions of the life activity;
- Energy-information prophylactic and prognosis of the emergency situations;
- Professional energy-information ethics.

The field of the regulation by the Charter embraces the following relations:
- Of the population of the Planet Earth, composing the Human Society;
- Of the individuals, social groups and communities within a framework of unity of the people forming the Mankind as unitary Civilisation;
- Of the Mankind and the Man within their life activity environment towards the Planet Earth as the object of Living Nature;
- Of family and tribal in all kinds and forms practiced in the Human Society with separation of the bridal relations into special legal group, so relations within sphere of bridal and familial traditions;
- Of change of generations within Human Society;
- Of the Mankind and other populations on the Earth;
- Of the inter-civilisation relations among the Earth and other Celestial Bodies in the Universe, in particular within Solar System;
- Of relations within sphere of the Space and other Celestial Bodies exploration, in particular of the persons, taking part in such exploration;
- Of the persons with developed extraordinary bodily capabilities among alike and with persons, who do not possess such capabilities;
- Of the persons responsible for the formation of the spiritual-ecological self-identity of the Mankind and for its realisation through conducting policy of the human life activity of the Mankind on the Earth and in the Outer Space.

The Legal Norms to be introduced by the Charter
The Charter underdevelopment should contain the following provisions:
- Legal definitions;
- The Primary Fundamental Legal Norm - is to be the Primary Law, which shall be put into the foundation of the spiritual-ecological Legislation under development;
- Postulates and norms for development of the worldwide legal acts and reglamentations;
- Norms for the measurability of the phenomena and of the measurement systems, practiced by the society;
- Metrological support of the measurements and registration of the energy-information phenomena by means of availability measures and etalons of the features and dimensions;
- General rights, freedoms and duties of the of Man and Mankind;
- Norms of Human ethics of the life activity;
- Norms of the General Human Spiritual-Ecological Legislation;
- Norms of non-violent, including anti-military legislation;
- Powers of the citizens and of their unions, of the governmental and local-self-administration bodies in the sphere of the energy-information well being of the population;
- Attitude of the word community to different systems of the word vision;
- Organisation and administration norms of formation and sustain of the Mankind as Unitary Integral Civilisation;
- Principal and partial private legal norm for the transition period towards the Unitary Human Civilisation;
- Norms of the word wide general civil law, of the criminal and administrative law;
- Terms and norms for the exploration of the Earth and Outer Space including Celestial Bodies by the Mankind;
- Norms for the inter-civilisations relations for the near and remote future;
- Norms of private property and of personal and collective responsibility for it;
- Norms for the education in the spiritual-ecological sphere.


The principal expected results of development and introduction of the Charter should be:
1. Establishment of prerequisites for integration of Peoples into Single Universally Important Civilisation, Wisely Implementing its Life and Life Activity, alias - the Mankind of the Planet Earth.
2. Introduction of the foundations of the Worldwide Space Law with consideration of achievements and realities of the development of contemporary world.
3. Development of the existing legislation system, adjustment of the sphere of the rights, freedoms and duties of Man and Mankind on the part of formation of favourable conditions for their life activity and social development (containment of civilisation) indefinitely.
4. Development and improvement of the legal norms having general human importatnce; i.e. - Human Rights and Freedoms and complementing them with norms of higher significance: the General Rights, Freedoms and Duties of the Mankind.
5. Formation of the word view and assessment by the human society of the role for the Mankind not only on the Earth but in the Universe.
6. Establishment of the general peace, elimination of the wars and violence, prevention of the peris of the Planet and of termination of the life of the developed human society on the Earth.
7. Establishment of the overall Human civilian society, safeguarding its own Planet as the sacred cradle of the Human life and home of the Mankind.
8. Introduction of possibility to transit from the state boundaries to the functional teritorial frontiers.
9. Establishment of the legal status for the Earth as a living object and as the Universally defined environment for the human life activity.
10. Formation of the pre-requisites for the timely evolutional transition from techo-spheric organisation of the life activity through the bio-spheric to the noosphere, as well as establishment of the legal norms of the noosphere organisation of the life activity of the human society.
11. Formation of the legal basis for improvement of measurement of the Time in the needs of the future society to be used in the noosphere forms of the life activity in compliance with the natural space-defined cycles of planetary life.
12. Establishment of the new spiritual-ecological legal norms including the sphere of the energy-information well being of the population, based upon enlarged contemporary vision by the natural science of the nature of energy and information interactions aimed at defence of general (common) constitutional and other rights, security of citizens, of the states and of the Mankind as a whole.
13. Supervision over introduction and practical use of the impacts that are hard to register but capable to inflict significant, in some cases irreparable damage to the nature and to the society and provoke dangerous changes in the character of the human life and of the development of man as the universe-bound and biological species.

Apart from that the development and adoption of the Charter may bring:
Adoption of the basic ethical principles of the human life activity;
- development of the basic definitions in the spiritual-ecological sphere, of attribution of the different phenomena to the energy-information ones;
- establishment of the basic rights and duties of the citizens, of their unions as well as of th enterprises and organisations involved into production and application of the energy-information technologies and products. Also in relations to the registration of energy-information phenomena of different origin in the life activity of the Mankind. Also - definition of the field of the legal regulation and of the subjects of legal relations in the spiritual-ecological spheres of the life activity;
- definition of the criteria of acceptability of use of the energy-information phenomena and appliances, in particular in the field of the human life activity;
- definition of the principles of inter-civilisation relations in the described sphere;
- development of scientifically substantiated norms and legal acts as well as introduction of the ways and means of their rational use;
- development of the legal basics for the education in the field of energy-information well-being of the Mankind;
- establishment of the foundation for the interstate and state regulation in the spiritual-ecological sphere of the energy-information impacts;
- positive change of the word vision of the population being the important nature-defined social factor of the life activity;
- creation of the new kinds of products, possessing higher ecological safety and principally new capabilities;
- social integration of the population, specifically scientific, religious, cultural and social practitioners;
- introduction of the new means to safeguard and support the health of population;
- Creation of the additional pre-requisites for sustaining of the human race on the Planet as a whole;
- decrease of potential possibility for th violent enslavement of will and conscience of the people and for their exploitation with the aim of profit;
- development of the new efficient humane ways and means of co-operation and communication for population and for different social groups in search of solution to conflicts and to the socially meaningful problems of the society development.




Chapter 1. he field of application for the Charter. Spiritual-ecological energy-information Law. Legislation in the sphere of the spiritual-ecological energy-information activity and its basic norms.
Chapter 2. The Universe, Planet Earth, Man, Human Society (Mankind).
The Mankind. Basic energy information rights, freedoms and duties - general provisions.
Chapter 3. Legal Status of the Earth.
Chapter 4. Man, Basic energy information rights, freedoms and duties - general provisions.


Chapter 5. General rights, freedoms and duties of the Mankind.
Chapter 6. General rights, freedoms and duties of the Man and Citizen.
Chapter 7. Securement of the rights of the citizens for the favourable energy-information features of the human life activity environment.
Chapter 8. Defence of the energy-information rights and freedoms of the individual and of the society.
Chapter 9. Actions of the citizens and organisations in the active energy-information situations.


Chapter 10. Social-economical organisation of the human society.
Chapter 11. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Word assembly (NSEWA).

Chapter 12. Powers of the state governing bodies and fields of competence of the local self-rule bodies in the field of the energy-information well being of the population.
Chapter 13. Noosphere energy information education.
Chapter 14. Resolution of disputes in the field of the energy-information well being of the population.
Chapter 15. International co-operation in the field of energy-information well being of the population.


Chapter 16. Concluding provisions.

The Universal spiritual-Ecological Charter for the Mankind


Part 1. General Provisions
Chapter 1. The spheres covered by the Charter. Noosphere spiritual-ecological law. Energy-information activities legislation and its principal norms.

Article 1. Powers of and fields covered by the Charter. Initial legal acts and provisions the Charter should be based on.
Article 2. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological legislation as the system of legal norms.
Article 3. The Original Law as the basic Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Norm. Noosphere as the Sphere of Conscience. Universal, Planetary conscience. Conscience of biologic communities. Human conscience.
Article 4. Definitions adopted in the Charter.
Article 5. The Right, rightness and justice.
Article 6. Reglamentations legal, social and technical
Article 7. Legal acts to adopted in development of this Charter. Global legal acts.
Article 8. Interrelation among Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological legislation and other legal systems.
Article 9. Dynamic character of the legal norms introduced by the Charter.
Article 10. Property as the legal category. Personal, community ads public property. The joint domain of the mankind, of the nation, of the people of the ethnic community.
Article 11. Information.
Article 12. Measurability and measuring.
Article 13. Measuring of time. Calendars. World time. Astronomy and decreed time.
Article 14. Legal status, legal and social roles, relevant definitions.
Article 15. Subjects and objects of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Law.
Article 16. Crimes against person,, against society and against Humanity as a whole.
Article 17. Ethics and etiquette of the communication and of the co-operation as the essential norm of the legal interaction.
Article 18. Indemnification of the incurred damage and compensation of the loss
Article 19. Encouragement of adherence to and development of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Law.

Chapter 2. The Universe. Planet Earth. Man. Mankind. General Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Rights, Freedoms and Duties - Basic Provisions.

Article 20. Universe and its inhabitants.
Article 21. Mankind of the Planet Earth as the sole planetary civilisation. The human kind as the biologic, space and social kind.
Article 22. Global rights of the mankind as the rights of the civilisation, populations and boundaries of their spread. Article 23. Space ethics. Principles of interaction and of the interrelationships of the Mankind with outer Civilisations. Inter civilisation relations, global ethics, communication and interaction.
Article 24. Activities and life activity of the Man in the outer space and on the space objects.
Article 25. Activities and life activity of the Mankind in the Earth and near the Earth environments.
Article 26. Outer and near Space. Basic principles of their exploration.
Article 27. Exploration of the Earth's near space.
Article 28. Space objects and space transport.
Article 29. Study and exploration of the outer space and of other celestial bodies.
Article 30. Rights of the persons alienated from the Earth life for the lengthy periods.
Article 31. The Earth's' Sovereignty. Guest etiquette.
Article 32. Planet Earth - our home and living object. Material and immaterial bodies of Earth.
Article 33. Globalistics. Global monitoring. Global construction of the manageable world order. Noosphere Civilisation Criteria.
Article 34. Planetary climate. Climate management. Defence against hazardous climatic impacts. Banning of the climate-effecting weapons.
Article 35. Geological disasters and cataclysms. Predicting and warning. Banning of geological weapons.
Article 36. Safeguarding of the Earth against unfavourable and dangerous space effects.
Article 37. Man, human life and activity. Emergence, life activity and its cessation. Change of generations. Spirit, soul and organism.
Article 38. Societies, communities, Mankind. Spiritual values of the Mankind.
Article 39. Man as the biological species. Place of the Man as the biological species in the Earth's biosphere and that of the biological anthropoids.
Article 40. Human gender and age specifics, their reflection in the Law.
Article 41. Attribution of the anthropoids to the Human species. Social aftermath.
Article 42. Birth and decease (genetic, biological and energy-information aspects of the person's existence).
Article 43. Genuine and surrogate maternity and paternity. Natural and artificial delivery of a human specie.
Article 44. Artificial irreversible transformation of man as a biological species.
Article 45. Man's conscience. Conscience management.
Article 46. Sensitive sphere of conscience, its safeguarding and protection.
Article 47. Health protection and support.
Article 48. Handicapped and chronically ill.
Article 49. Foundations for emergence of the General rights, freedoms and duties of Man and Mankind.
Article 50. Sphere of the life activity. Life activities' resources. Distribution and restitution of the resources.
Article 51. Basic (biologic) rights, freedoms and duties.
Article 52. Social rights, freedoms and duties.
Article 53. Equality and inequality. Justice.
Article 54. Racial and ethno-cultural heritage of the Mankind.
Article 55. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights, freedoms and duties as the subject of jurisdiction. Protection of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and freedoms. Performance of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological duties.

Chapter 3. General rights, freedoms and duties of the Mankind.
Article 56. Life and life activity of the Mankind. Sphere of their realisation.
Article 57. Biologic rights for the health and life resources of the human species.
Article 58. Fighting against poverty, and pauperism of the person, of the social groups and communities.
Article 59. Earth as the environment for human life activity.
Article 60. Change of generations and continuation of the tribe. Familial-tribal self organisation of the society.
Article 61. Wedlock and wedding traditions. Family and family traditions.
Article 62. Legitimisation of the wedlock and family unions. Civilian unions.
Article 63. Wedlock and family unions infrastructure. Their life cycles. Ownership, inheritance and alienation.
Article 64. Spiritual and mental health.
Article 65. Social guarantees of the society. Dignity and honour. Decent conditions for the life and life activity of Man and Citizen.
Article 66. Social environment for the life activity.
Article 67. Communication. Interaction.
Article 68. Social groups and communities.
Article 69. Basic social relations. Legal status and legal role. Social roles.
Article 70. World vision, freedom of thought and expression.
Article 71. All-human ethics.
Article 72. Information exchange and information values.
Article 73. Culture.
Article 74. Art.
Article 75. Education.
Article 76. Public heritage (estate).
Article 77. Interrelation and interdependence of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights, freedoms and duties of Mankind, communities and person.
Article 78. Competition and co-existence. Right of choice.
Article 79. Power counter positioning. Violence. Wars. Rejection of policy of force.
Article 80. Prisoners of war and hostages. Rehabilitation of the victims of wars and violence. Conversion of Arms

Chapter 4. General rights, freedoms and duties of Man and Citizen.

Article 81. Life and health of man. Person. Types of persons. Ethno-cultural specifics. Dignity and honour of person.
Article 82. Spontaneous and forced transformation of personality. Multiple personalities. Personal identification.
Article 83. Protection of species and continuation of tribe.
Article 84. Family.
Article 85. Relations, communication and interaction.
Article 86. Life activity resources.
Article 87. Life activity environment and nature organisation.
Article 88. Dwelling and moving. Personal and public space, their protection, safeguarding and reorganisation.
Article 89. Freedom of choice.
Article 90. Freedom of thought, expression and action of Man.
Article 91. Responsibility of the taken decisions, performed actions and their results.
Article 92. Personal secrets and public secrets. Witnessing.
Article 93. Labour and rest. Creativity.
Article 94. Individual and group space. Comfortable living space.
Article 95. Public social guarantees of the protection for the rights and freedoms (including those for life and health).
Article 96. Man and other biologic communities.
Article 97. Social management.
Article 98. Property. Personal and group heritage.
Article 99. Funeral and memory. (Cemeteries and memorials).
Article 100. Attribution to the citizenship. Cessation of subjectivity.

Chapter 5. Protection of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and freedoms of person and society.

Article 101. General principles of the Noosphere spiritual-ecological well-being.
Article 102. State, public and private interests in the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity.
Article 103. Spread of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological jurisdiction over the material word and over the processes taking part in the acts of the energy-information exchange.
Article 104. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and freedoms of person and society.
Article 105. Systems of the word studies. Information and means of its transfer.
Article 106. Spiritual values of the population.

Chapter 6. Emergence and existence of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and freedoms.

Article 107. Subjects of performance of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and duties.
Article 108. Reasons for emergence of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological rights and duties.
Article 109. Performance and protection of the rights of persons participating in the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activities.

Chapter 7. Securing the rights of citizens for the favourable Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological properties of the life environment.

Article 110. Life environment of man.
Article 111. Architecture of the artificial life environment for the man and design.
Article 112. Tasks performed by architectural decision.
Article 113. Energy information technologies.
Article 114. Energy information products..
Article 115. Rights of citizens for the favourable Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological properties of the life environment.
Article 116. Adherence under performance of activities to the security measures for the territories, settlements and objects against natural and man-made disasters.
Article 117. Adherence under performance of activities to the security measures for the environment, ecological security, construction and sanitary norms and rules.
Article 118. Advertising and Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 119. Positioning of the enterprises, establishments, organisations and objects, having recreational and treating properties.
Article 120. Creation of the favourable and secure Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological terms of life activities for the handicapped and immobilised persons.
Article 121. Repair of damage inflicted to the life environment under performance of works violating the State Law on securing the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.

Chapter 8. Actions of citizens and of organisations under the active energy-information situations.

Article 122. Active energy-information situations.
Article 123. Saluberogenous situations and their impact..
Article 124. Patogenes phenomena and their impact.
Article 125. Energy-information monitoring.
Article 126. Energy-information prediction of the risk situations.

Chapter 9 Social-economical organisation of the human society.

Article 127. Transition from the state to interstate and further generally civilian arrangement of the society.
Article 128. Establishment of the functional boundaries for exploration of the natural resources and for the settlement.
Article 129. Territorial jurisdiction and the frontiers. Transition from the state borders to the functional ones.
Article 130. All-civilian (planetary) management bodies for the life activity of Mankind.
Article 131. Territorial and continental public activity managing bodies.
Article 132. Word Codes and Laws.
Article 133. Principles for adoption of the all-planetary decisions.
Article 134. Resolution of the arguments and conflicts.
Article 135. Stimulation of the favourable forms of the life activity.
Article 136. Safeguarding the human life activity. Security organisations.
Article 137. Principles and systems for the settlement of the Mankind, of the peoples and of the ethnic communities. Article 138. Productive and agricultural activities.
Article 139. Ecological activity.
Article 140. Social life activity of the human society.
Article 141. Communication and communication systems.
Article 142. Upbringing and education. Formation of the world vision and word understanding.
Article 143. Rest and leisure. Physical and spiritual cultures.
Article 144. Health protection and development.
Article 145. Planetary and territorial transportation.
Article 146. Participation in the public life activity.
Article 147. Rights to vote and to be elected.
Article 148. Public service and public recognition.

Chapter 10. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly (NSEWA).

Article 149. Status of the NSEWA.
Article 150. NSEWA functions.
Article 151. NSEWA composition. NSEWA members powers.
Article 152. Management of NSEWA. Its powers and functions.
Article 153. Elections.
Article 154. Order of activity for the NSEWA.
Article 155. NSEWA budget and its performance.
Article 156. Supervision bodies of the NSEWA..
Article 157. Interaction of NSEWA with state, interstate and non-governmental organisations.
Article 158. NSEWA executive bodies.
Article 159. NSEWA interaction with the legislation and law enforcement agencies.


Chapter 11. Powers of the state authorities and spheres of responsibility of the local self-government in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.

Article 160. Powers of the state authorities in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 161. Spheres of responsibility of the federal administrative units in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population..
Article 162. Powers and spheres of responsibility of the local self-government in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 163. System of the executive bodies of the state and local governments in the field of management of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 164. Powers of the Principal body of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 165. Powers of the bodies of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population of the federal and state administrative units.
Article 166. Activity of the local self governments to realise their powers in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population in rural and agricultural areas and in other municipal locations.
Article 167. Expertise of energy-information products, technologies and documents.
Article 168. Public and special Expertise of energy-information products, technologies and documents. Consulting on provision of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 169. Energy-information expertise of the medicines and donor's blood.
Article 170. Basic demands to development of international, inter-governmental and state action programmes, of the social development programmes to be implemented at the territorial, local and municipal levels.
Article 171. The world-wide energy-information norms and rules.
Article 172. International and state-wide energy-information norms and rules.
Article 173. Energy-information norms and rules for the administrative units.
Article 174. Sources of financing energy-information activity.
Article 175. Compulsory indemnification of the damage inflicted to the citizens as a result of violation of the Law on Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population and resulted in the substantial change to the life activity environment.

Chapter 12. Organisation of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity.

Article 176. Management and regulation.
Article 177. Organisation and licensing.
Article 178. Energy-information services.
Article 179. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological professional (productive) activity.
Article 180. Non-professional (amature) Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity.
Article 181. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological organisations.
Article 182. Professional-creative (unions) in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.

Chapter 13. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.

Article 183. General provisions for the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 184. General Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 185. Initial professional Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 186. Medium level professional Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 187. Higher professional Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 188. Post-graduate professional Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 189. Attestation and documents certifying Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 190. Additional Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological education.
Article 191. Pedagogical Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity.
Article 192. Limitations on admission of students to the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological educational establishments.

Chapter 14. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological supervision and control.

Article 193. Aims of control and supervision.
Article 194. Composition and functions of the control bodies.
Article 195. Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological supervision performed by the non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Article 196. Production control.
Article 197. Public control.

Chapter 15. Social security of the citizens.

Article 198. Provision of the social security guarantees to the specialists in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity.
Article 199. Right of the specialists in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological activity for social economical compensations.
Article 200. Rights of citizens for social security in the pathogenous zones.

Chapter 16. Resolution of disputes related to the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.

Article 201. Resolution of disputes.

Chapter 17. International co-operation in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.

Article 202. International co-operation in the field of Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological well-being of the population.
Article 203. Enactment of the Universal Spiritual-Ecological Charter.

Chapter 18. Responsibility for the crime and violation of the Law.

Article 204. Application of the law enforcement measure.
Article 205. Responsibility for the crime and violation of the Law.
Article 206. Administrative responsibility for discrimination against citizens and legal bodies.
Article 207. Punitive measures against crimes committed under conduct of the Energy-information activity.


Chapter 19. Closing provisions.

Article 208. Procedure of amendments and additions to the dynamic structure of the Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Charter. Procedure of adoption of the Charter by the Global Civilian Forum of the Earth.
Article 209. Realisation of the general provisions of the Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Charter.
Article 210. Proposals to the OLP and to the heads of states.

" Suggested Charter structure is not a final one. Authors and developers of the Charter structure and concept for the Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Charter are Liubov Gordina, Dr. Tech. Sc.,PHD. of Philosophy, professor, and Mikhail Limonad, Dr Arch.Sc., PHD. of philosophy, professor, both hope for the fruitful co-operation in the process of common creation of the Charter, that is supposed to be written "in commune", including already existing suggestions to the text of the Charter available through the Representative offices of the NSEWA in different countries.


World Constitutional Laws
"On the bodies to regulate and manage life activity of Mankind";
On the World Constitutional Court of Arbitration ;
On the General Conflict Management Council

World Codes of the Mankind:
Code on the Planet Earth;
Code on the Man and Human Society;
Code on the Life Activity Environment;
Behavioural Ethics Code;
Resources Code;
Ecological Code (Charter) for the Earth;
Space Code of Mankind;
Social Code;
Wedding-Family Code;
Ethno-Cultural Code;
Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Code;
Transport Code;
Code for the Life Activity of Man;
Administrative Code;
Criminal Code;
General Civil Code for the Mankind;
Anti-War Code (Code of Peace).

To develop in the nearest future!








To develop anew

International Conventions
"On Spiritual-Ecological Well-being of Population".
"On protection of population against hazardous energy-information impacts",
"On exploration of the space and space objects (celestial bodies) ",
"On protection of noosphere".
To develop anew
"On cancelling international agreements discriminating against rights of Mankind in the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Well-being"
"On protection of psycho-sphere and mental health of population ",
"On architecture",
"On Overall Security",
"On national and traditional medicine",
"On development and use of virtual technologies and products ".
"On the Human Activity environment and unitary system of noosphere monitoring ",
"On basics of exploration of space and celestial bodies and UFOlogical activity ",
"On principles of mutual relations with representative of extra-terrestrial civilisations and outer worlds and actions to be taken towards them".
"On values and value equivalents"
"On protection of natural environment ",
"On sanitary and epidemiological well-being of population ",
"On ecological expertise ",
"Basic laws on the health protection ",
"On funerals and cemetery activity ".


The suggested draft document combines traditional and non-traditional features. As a whole this Draft Charter should be considered wholly traditional Legal Act. Its text contains mostly well-approved forms of the legal norms. This provides evolutionary approach to the newly created document that has special importance in the transition period.
It would be naive to expect that the future society may be well structured without such instrument as the Law. Development of the said Law would continue and develop existing declarations, charters, treaties and agreements. This Concept is just a next step in arrangement of the social life. This concept however is based not on the law enforcement mechanisms but on the voluntary conscious abidance by the Universal Law resulting from the substantial work over the public conscience.
Relatively new is transition from the Human rights to the rights of Mankind. The new quantitative step in evaluation of the subject of Law is transforming also the rights of such subject into qualitatively new category based at the same time on the approved traditional foundation.
The form of narration of the material is not a new one. As far as the structure is concerned, we applied norms of wording of legislative acts, introduced by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), as we consider the legislative acts to be a kind of standard documents. Thus the basic structural elements of such review were as follows:

" The range of the Charter application;
" Legal references to the earlier existing documents the provisions of which have been re-applied unaltered or slightly amended;
" Terms and definitions of the terms applied ad legal (exact and unequivocal definitions allow the legislation to be concrete and pointed);
" The subject matters (subjects and objects of the legal relations);
" Processes regulated by the Law as well as relations emerging on their base;
" Supervision of the application of and abidance by the demands of the introduced legal regulations;

It becomes possible to make the World Law systemic, having one and the same meaning and non-contradictory. The volume of demands should be necessary and exhaustive.
The Concept itself is traditional in its form, which should facilitate its consideration and adoption of relevant decisions.
While in transit to the legal subjects such as the Humanity (Mankind) as a whole, and such objects as the Earth and the Universe, the legal norms, known in common existing legislation should be approached under different angle. Thus the Human Rights have been complemented by the biological aspect, while all legal subjects were added by the energy-information aspects.
Contemporary knowledge demanded acknowledgement as legal ones of the matters that were not completely studied, but existed earlier as well as nowadays. The state of the matter, however needs application of the preventive approach to the relevant studies. If certain situation does not emerge, then the law would not be applied, but if emergence of the situation would appear inevitable, we should not find ourselves helpless hostages of our own lack of legal preparedness.
In particular the Charter is supposed to maintain a provision on the sovereignty of the Planet Earth that should be spread over the near Space. The boundaries of the sovereign Space are offered conditionally, in relation to the practice of the manned orbital space flights. The approach here is similar to the Law of the Seas, providing that the Space immediately adjacent to Earth is "territorial", while Remote Space would be considered the "neutral" one. Accordingly the man-made objects in Space should be considered ex-territorial establishments where the Law applicable on the Earth should also be applied.
Similarly we approached the Right of Shelter (Living Quarters) having defined it as the life activity environment of Mankind..
As a matter of fact the Mankind is considered to be unitary organism in most cases where the Law has been applied by analogy, for example when dealing with the Right for Life.
A number of new norms have been introduced deriving from the obvious realities of life, which were by looked at by the legislation earlier without establishment of basic principal approaches, that in turn frequently gave birth to legal lapses. It is fully attributable to the wedlock and family relations where it is necessary to substantify the definitions, boundaries of their applicability, problems related to acknowledgement of such bridal unions and establishment of their legal status.
Most of the ethical and psychological categories earlier declared but not clarified should be substantiated (such as life, life activity, death, consciousness, dignity, reputation, integrity, justice, correctness etc.). Here we need exactness because the Law of Ethics can not depend on random experts' opinion.
New are complex of the legal norms related to spiritual heritage and mental health, based upon principle of the energy-information well being of the population. The energy-information component as a substance immanent to all the visible word, was introduced into the legal lexicon for the Mankind as well as for the Earth. We can not disclaim statistics of the facts and events, irrelevantly to whether or not they have been scientifically explained, as long as they substantially influence lives of people, whose rights should always be protected by the Law. Deriving from the fact that Noosphere Charter has spiritual-ecological nature, the Concept does not stress importance of problems of politics, economy, property, finance, while the body text of the Charter contains all above categories.
The aspects of measures and measurability are specially stressed by the Document as well as organisational suggestions for the transition period. Principle of unity of the measurements is approached at large in the legal context in view of multiplicity of the measurement systems, but in order to maintain the rule "to measure the similar by similar". We adhere to the statement by Halileo Halilei, who said: "anything measurable should be measured, but what is immeasurable, should become measurable". This is fully applicable to measurement of Time based on the Space (Universal) Cycles of the Planets' Circulation.
The Global Codes and Laws to be introduced following admission of the Charter are necessary to organise the most common legal norms, applied in the legislation of different societies including the states. Adjusted definitions, sphere of their applicability, unitary presentation and understanding of the legal norms - would be one of the means to integrate the existing forms of organising the society into unitary civilisation - the Mankind of Planet Earth.
Organisational forms of management and co-ordination of human life activity, to be established and applied instead of the existing administrative divisions, will bear functional features, relevant to the combined needs and demands of the Mankind in general and of the societies forming its integral parts in particular. It is related to the traditional patterns of settlement of different social groups, to functional and architectural zoning of territories and arrangement of living quarters. Thus architectural aspects of formation of the life activity environment have been approached in the Draft Charter as energy-information features substantially influencing conditions and quality of human life.
There are no indisputable legal norms. We do not offer this work as the only existing cure for the human problems, but we would like to make our own contribution to improvement of the vector for the development of the contemporary society.
We hope that our efforts would be worthwhile and timely.