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"Ты волен быть самим собой, ты свободен осознать свою истинную сущность и быть ею, здесь и сейчас, и ничто не в силах тебе воспрепятствовать. Таков Закон Великой Чайки! И это- единственный объективный закон."





To the International Scientific and Social Conference

“The Prospects for Conservation and Development of Unitary Planetary Civilization. Culture. Ecology. Cosmos.”


The participants of the International Conference “The Prospects for Conservation and Development of Unitary Planetary Civilization” held in Moscow, are directing the attention of the heads of states, of the Parliaments and the general public to rapidly growing threat to the very existence of human species, caused by   global processes disrupting the harmony of the interaction of Man, Nature and Space. 

In the course of its history our civilization has turned into a powerful biogeological force capable of upsetting the balance of all the major cycles of the Earth biosphere as an integral part of space environment, that may result in irreversible disaster. 

Despite the warning of the world intellectual elite, the proposals to go over to a noosphere way of life that may bring salvation, the ruling circles, primarily of industrially developed countries, are not taking adequate measures aimed at altering the world strategy of development.

 In this context, the united forces of non-governmental organizations, of leading scientists, artists  and the public figures should assume the strategic responsibility  for the fate of planetary civilization.

We are planning the setting-up of the Transnational non-governmental body “The World Noosphere (Spiritual Ecological) Assembly” and the Unitary Noosphere (Spiritual Ecological) Constitution of Mankind which are to  generalize the advanced achievements of science and practice with the aim of the elaboration and realization of the world paradigm of development, corresponding to ideas, ideals and principles of Noosphere, Human rights, the culture of peace, non-violence and  tolerance.

The Conference is addressing the world public, outstanding scientists, artists and businessmen with the proposal to join efforts in both the organization of the Assembly and its activities, as well as of the setting-up of its international, regional and national bodies.

 We are calling upon the heads of states, government and parliaments,  the UN and its bodies, the European Community and other international and regional intergovernmental organizations to support the setting up of the transnational non-governmental organization and render it all possible assistance in its formation and  development.

 This planetary Project is a real response to the ideas of the UN General Secretary Cofi Annan on the renewal of the United Nations Organization accumulating all the major processes of the world community.

          To uniting in the name of the preservation of planetary civilization! Let this appeal reach the heart of every person  who cares for life on the Planet Earth and the human species fate!

Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee                                Liubov S. Gordina

Vice-President of UN ECOSOC WEA,

Expert of the High Environmental Council

of the State Duma of Russian Federation, State Award Winner,

Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee



А.Е. Akimov, R.G. Abdulatipov, J.Arguelles, Yu.I. Bokan, T.N. Borisov, Ge Gao, Uli Grebener, R.Gerard, A.N.Zelinsky, H.Kautz-Vella, V.A. Korobeinikov,O.L.Kuznetsov,C.Lindahl, Ya.Z.Mesenzhnik, S.A.Nikitov, A.I.Poletayev, D.V. Rundkvist,V.A. Sadovnichy, J. Tordjman, V.I. Cherepkov




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